Customized Value Statistics
Baseball Player Won-Loss Records
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Calculating Customized Value Statistics

Many people (including me) like to distill player values down to a single number, so that they can create lists and rankings of players. The ability to express player values in a single number is a frequent feature of Hall-of-Fame debates, MVP discussions, and trade evaluations. It forms the core of putting together alternate Halls-of-Fame.

Despite my affinity for this type of list-making and ranking, I think the real value of my player won-lost records is the fact that they do not simply present a single number and leave it at that. Looking at all of the underlying numbers - wins and losses, contextual and context-neutral, comparing to positional averages and replacement levels, broken down by component - helps one to better put a player's value within the context in which it was accumulated.

Having said that, I think there is definitely a place for trying to condense everything down to one single number. And when condensing everything down to one number, I think there's a lot to be said for having some flexibility and letting people construct their one number however they want to. To facilitate this, I have created a page which allows people to choose their own weights to create their own uber-stat.

+ Using the Uber-Stat Page

In 2018, I self-published a book Baseball Player Won-Lost Records: 150 Players, 50 Years which looks at the top 150 players of the 50 years from 1961 - 2010 as measured by an uber-stat which I created at that time.

The rest of this article looks in some more detail at the factors that I allow someone to weight and identifies the default weights if one simply goes to the Uber Leaders page. Positional averages are discussed in more detail here.

+ pWins vs. eWins

+ Normalizing Season Length

+ Wins vs. WOPA vs. WORL vs. WO*

+ Treatment of Postseason Wins

+ Differences by Position

Article last updated: August 11, 2019

All articles are written so that they pull data directly from the most recent version of the Player won-lost database. Hence, any numbers cited within these articles should automatically incorporate the most recent update to Player won-lost records. In some cases, however, the accompanying text may have been written based on previous versions of Player won-lost records. I apologize if this results in non-sensical text in any cases.

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